Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎12-07-2009

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  • 84 Posts
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  • 43 Helpful votes Received
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Hi all,With the Cisco Webex Control HUB and the auto-assign template. Can you associate different templates to different user groups?I know that in the Deployment Guide you can have multiple Cisco Directory Connectors. https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/t...
Hi all, I have written an XML API script (in Postman) that will update a users Webex PMR PIN number via the XML API and it works on the devnet test site (apidemoeu.Webex.c_m/WBXService/XMLService) but the customer has their site integrated with SSO (...
Hi all, I am doing an implementation on behalf of a third party who advised me that they ordered 2x copies of MS Windows Server 2012 Standard R2 off the Cisco GPL. In the delivery I received 2 copies (media) of Windows Server 2012 but no license keys...
Good day all, I know that the ISDN GW 3241 is EOL and that the preference would be to use B2B IP calling. However I have a customer that has a requirement for VC with both ISDN and IP capabilities, and they have acquired two new ISDN 3241's with two ...
Hi all, I have a customer who had an old C40 that had a faulty fan and was out of support. The C40 had the multisite license key installed. They purchased a new SX20 to replace the old C40. Is there a migration / or option to transfer the multisite...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-07-2009 04:35 PM
Date Last Visited ‎03-26-2021 12:03 AM
Posts 84
Total Helpful Votes Received 40