Level 2
Level 2
Member since ‎10-18-2012

User Statistics

  • 240 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 10 Helpful votes Given
  • 15 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hi, I am preparing the BOQ of router C8200-1N-4T for telephony network. I have selected DNA-P-T0-A-5Y. My question is what will happen after the subscription expire or after five years. Would we be able to make the changes in configurations of C8200-...
Hi, I have Cisco Attendance Console Advanced installed in a server. Whenever I logged in the  Cisco Attendance Console on the same pc which is having the server it works normal. But whenever I logged in the client PC having only Cisco Attendance Cons...
Hi, in my scenario IP phones are registered to CUCM and analog phones are registered to ISR4331 router. it's one single network.  I have configured the following commands under the analog FXS port station name A. sample  station number xxxxxx  caller...
Hi, I have a switch  C9500-16X and want to downgrade 40G port to 10G port. I have installed cvr-qsfp-sfp10g in 40G port of switch and  SFP-10G-SR-S in cvr-qsfp-sfp10g. Following is the output of "show idprom interface fo2/1/1" Switch#show idprom inte...
Hi, How we can find the power supplied by the analog port of VG310/VG204?  BRAbdulKarim
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-18-2012 05:20 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-13-2023 05:44 AM
Posts 240
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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