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Member since ‎11-10-2014

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Cube local gateway with pstn contains did numbers,  webex works with email addresses, when we register the cube with webex cloud,  how the pstn will dial cloud users?  Will there be extension numbers for webex users?  If a webex user is in a remote a...
PRI connected to CME CME configured as H.323 gateway in CUCM CME configured with VOIP dial peer point to CUCM  
I am trying to bring up the S2S tunnel between a Cisco 4331 router and a PF Sense firewall. router ( --> ISP Modem(x.x.x.x) <--> Internet <--> ISP Modem (y.y.y.y)--> PF Sense firewall (   Both parameters are equal at both ends...
Hi Everyone,  I would like to if I can register phones to the CUCM in my office over internet from other locations. If so, what are the challenges? I remember I can't register phones through Public IPs long back. 
as per my understanding, when a license violation occurs we can't provision end points (register the devices). In a case where i have 9 devices configured, but 5 licenses installed, i see the license violation error. can i able to register upto 5 dev...
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Member Since ‎11-10-2014 08:15 PM
Date Last Visited ‎01-04-2021 12:56 PM
Posts 107
Total Helpful Votes Received 1
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