blue phoenix
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Member since ‎06-24-2013

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Hi, Does anyone know where I can find this information?  We are trying to design a NextGen DC and it's one of the requirements. Thanks,
Hi all, I need some inputs regarding summarization of subnets in eigrp whether named or classic mode. I have configured 2 EIGRP AS's. 1 and 2, by behavior they won't see each other unless redistribution is applied. Now if the routes from AS 2 is redi...
Hi all, I have been doing this in a Virtual lab environment.  As you can see below the FR router is just a frame relay switch and is not doing any routing....  I am trying to achieve unequal cost load-balancing by using the variance feature...Here is...
According to this link: and this link:
Hi all, Just would like to know if I need to generate a new pcf file for my VPN remote users or telecommuters if I will replace my old ASA with a new one? Cheers,
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Member Since ‎06-24-2013 05:57 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-17-2023 12:01 AM
Posts 118
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