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Member since ‎07-03-2007

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Has anyone setup a Cisco SPA112 with a sonus sbc2000? I am trying to setup a SIP connection to the SPA but registration keeps failing.
In LMS 4.2 you could go under fault setting, then under the device and tell it to not monitor f0/0 but i do want it to monitor F0/1 and S0/0/0. How is the accomplished with NCS 1.3?
I have a questioned device that when i look into the error DFM says error details "Partial response from SNMP agent, AUTODETECT". Does anyone have any ideas on how to get the device to add to DFM or how to correct the error?
Can someone tell me what the (*) is on this show ip route <IP address>?#sh ip route entry for  Known via "static", distance 1, metric 0  Redistributing via eigrp 1  Routing Descriptor Blocks:      Route m...
When i look at the dashboard DFM shows that there is one device that is unresponsive. I have removed all devices from DFM and still showing one device unresponsive. When i click on the 1 it takes me to alerts and activities. Under all alerts there ar...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-03-2007 05:38 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-15-2019 11:36 PM
Posts 107
Total Helpful Votes Received 21
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