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Member since ‎10-07-2004

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I created a post-call survey scripts that records the survey results to a MS SQL 2014 Database. I use the PostCallTreatment final String variable to trigger the Survey.aef script when the agent uses the [End call] within Finesse. The DB Write works 9...
I'm looking for recommendation on alternative options to notify agents about the type of CSQ inbound call.  I know Cisco Finesse does display the notification/toaster in the bottom right of the screen.  The option is not very good because it forces t...
I have a recording script that uses a series of 10 recording steps.  It then takes all 10 recordings and combines them all into one file that I can email. 1. CombineallAnswers = Create Container Prompt Concatenation(question1+answer1+...)2. Set AllIn...
What does the phone icon represent?  In my lab I generated the same Agent State but it didn't have the phone icon on my test. 
Do I have to use the Finesse client [Answer] button to trigger the workflow or can I use any endpoint(Jabber[Answer] or Cisco Desk Phone(off-hook/answer) to trigger the workflow? The workflow works if I use the Finesse/Answer button but it doesn't wo...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-07-2004 06:00 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-24-2023 12:03 AM
Posts 147
Total Helpful Votes Received 55