Loc Nguyen
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Member since ‎04-30-2013

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  • 36 Posts
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Hi,I am working on set up a FMC on Azure. I use "Cisco Secure Firewall Management Center Virtual – BYOL"I can ssh to the FMC but when I https to it, the account doesn't work.Should I need to create another account via FMC CLI to access web GUI?Thanks...
Hi,We have a computer runs Nessus and scan our ASA.It shows that our ASA is under the issue CVE-2018-0101My ASA IOS is asa9-16-2-14-lfbff-k8.SPA which is released in year 2021. It should fixed the bug in 2018 of the issue I think.It is not in the lis...
Hi,We replace a Cisco 3750 switch with a new Cisco 9200 switch.We have an SFP 1000base-SX works well with the 3750. When we move it to Cisco 9200, the switch doesn't like it.The error is err-disabled.The new 9200 is:C9200-24PIOS  is CAT9K_LITE_IOSXEv...
I have a firewall 4100 . I need to set them up as FTD to work with my FMC I set up it up as below, but I can ssh but can not https to it. Do you know why? If you have a good link for setting up this firewall to FTD, pleas share. Switch Fabric=A    Sy...
Hi, Can the result of "show crypto accelerator statistics " is IPsec throughput?If not, do we have a command to check that?ThanksLoc  TA-FW# show crypto accelerator statistics  Crypto Accelerator Status-------------------------[Capability]   Supports...
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Member Since ‎04-30-2013 04:29 PM
Date Last Visited ‎03-28-2023 09:04 AM
Posts 36
Total Helpful Votes Received 20
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