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Member since ‎06-30-2009

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Hi All, Apologies if this has already been asked but I want to know if there is a way to view access-list counters when it is used in a class-map and the policy-map is applied to an interface. I tried the following command but I get "unrecognized loc...
Hi Guys,Just wondering if UCS supports multiple SAN uplinks to different physical SANs (similar to Disjoint L2 in LAN)?Regards,Amit.  
Hi Guys,My question is about MDRR on ASR9Ks.It is my understanding that ASR9Ks (and CSR12K) platforms support only MDRR scheduling technique. Now, MDRR can operate in one of two modes when configured with Priority Queue - Strict Priority mode, and Al...
Hi Guys,Just reading through RFC6575 - ARP Mediation for IP Interworking for L2VPNs, and noticed that the Cisco implementation doesn't seem to be as mentioned in the RFC.The CE (CE1) router with Ethernet L2 Attachment Circuit when performs ARP for re...
Hi Guys,Just wondering if "address-family ipv4 multicast" command is supported in a VRF in IOS-XR? If so, is there a specific PIE that is required? Currently, I have asr9k-mcast-px-4.3.0 PIE installed on the router.Also, "address-family vpnv4 multica...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-30-2009 09:02 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:03 AM
Posts 113
Total Helpful Votes Received 14
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