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Member since ‎02-07-2012

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We are trying to demo a new web security appliance, and we have our current one installed and working.Is it possible to have two WSA's running concurrently?  From what I'm reading web-cache, service group 0 is where all port 80 traffic is pointed.  I...
I'm trying to create duplicate SSID's with different interfaces.  I'm getting an error that says the SSID must be unique, or have different layer 2 authentication.Our goal is to have users create one profile on their wireless device, and be able to t...
I have a couple 3750 switches that I tried to upgrade and they failed.  I'm able to get them to bootloader mode, but not able to find any instructions that actually work.I tried following the Cisco instructions, which apperantly are "incorrect", as t...
We're a having an issue where our doctors are in a group where we allow streaming video, but the PA group is not allowed.If the PA is logged in to the device, logs out, then the doctor logs in, they are not able to get to streaming video, and the den...
Cisco Any Connect 3.0.30545508 WLC running 7.4AP Type 1142PC Windows 7 We have begun to have issues where PC's that are logged off are attempting and failing to authenticate to the wireless and becoming blacklisted.If users don't have a cached accoun...
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Member Since ‎02-07-2012 07:34 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-04-2018 12:05 AM
Posts 25