Mark Mattix
Level 2
Level 2
Member since ‎02-22-2012

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  • 260 Posts
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  • 36 Helpful votes Received
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I realize that hiding the broadcast of an SSID is pointless but unfortunately the security policy I must comply with, does not agree.I have various subnets and I would like to create 1 SSID on these networks which is hidden. The wireless profile will...
Just installed CML 2 and having an issue adding more interfaces to a NX-OSv switch. I've read over the end user guide and it says to simply click "Add 4 interfaces" but this option is greyed out for me. Also, are ethernet interfaces the only ones ava...
Hello, Could someone help me determine if OTV is supported on the Nexus 3K line of switches, specifically the 31108TC-V? I do not see the 3K line in the Cisco featureset navigator. Thanks a lot for your help! *Update* Heard back from my Cisco rep OTV...
Hello, I'm looking for recommendations for the best way to design a management network for one of my locations. Some devices have built in management interfaces like my 2960s and other devices like my 3925E do not have specific interfaces so I planne...
Is there an easier way!? It seems like the process of ordering new equipment can be very difficult. I'm trying to price out an ASR 1001-X, I know I need at least 1.5Gbps of throughput for encryption. I need OSPF to be supported and I would also like ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-22-2012 08:07 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-24-2020 11:43 AM
Posts 260
Total Helpful Votes Received 36