Level 7
Level 7
Member since ‎01-05-2006

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I've stood up an eval version of a vWLC 8.2.161 on a UCS E-series blade.  I'm trying to test/proof of concept  vWLC with a guest wired configuration. This works fine on our physical 5508's, but when I go to create an interface or a WLAN on the virtua...
I can't find anything stating that this isn't supported, but I'm unable to enable BFD on my tenG interfaces, which are online and routing.  Does anyone know if this is supported? The error I receive: ASR1002X-02(config-router)#bfd interface ten0/2/0%...
I've looked over too many design/config guides to count at this point, and my scenario/question is this...There are two data centers connected through a single 10G link, with ASR's on both ends, and some L3 switch behind the ASR on either end.  I hav...
As the subject says, I'm trying to see if there's a way to use TACACs for both device admin and VPN authentication on an ASA to the same ACS 5.5 server.   I know I could split up the protocols between RADIUS (VPN) and TACACS (device admin), I just ne...
Can I use the same cert for 3 different controllers for this purpose?  Each has the same virtual interface IP -  If I just assign each the same DNS hostname under the virtual interface, and then put that entry in our internal DNS resolving b...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-05-2006 07:46 PM
Date Last Visited ‎12-28-2018 07:27 AM
Posts 1,868
Total Helpful Votes Received 543