Rommel Abdon
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Member since ‎04-01-2012

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Hi SupportI have a question regarding redistribution in my topology: On R2 and R3, I have apply redistribution between OSPF 1 and EIGRP 123  and on R3 I added redistribution between OSPF 1 and EIGRP 356.First, R4 does not see EIGRP 123 netowrk (174.1...
Hi Support,I m having problem configuring to MUX my subtitles  to my video content in my DCM 9900. My receiver could not detect the subtitles.Is there any documentation for this service?Thnx in advance,Rommel
I tried to download cme-full- and cme-full- to my gns3 router 3745 IOS (c3745-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25d.bin and c3745-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T14.bin) but when I try to load from telephony-service I could not see 7942-7962. W...
Hi TechSupport,I have downloaded ACS ISO image and test it on my vmware. I trying to integrate my acs with my active directory which is also inside my vmware.I configured the ACS NTP server pointing to my AD server. But the connection failed when i c...
Im having problem configuring frame-relay over  satellite. My remote router cound not recieve traffic from the hub.Hub routerinterface s0/0description TX interfaceencap frame-relayno ip add!interface s0/0.1 point-to-pointip add 255.255.255...
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Member Since ‎04-01-2012 05:00 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:03 AM
Posts 12
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