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Level 5
Member since ‎02-07-2002

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This router has VPDN setup, turns out its never worked. So I'm trying to resolve this. When I connect in from a Win 10 PC the LCP fails to negotiate. I'm not familar with PPTP, preferring IPSec, and am after some help.My VPDN config is:vpdn-group 1! ...
I have a router using 15.1(4)M12a, currenrtly using VTI with a pre-shared key peer address of want to add a remote access IPSec VPN connection to this, with a different pre-shared key but again with as peer address.I found this post,...
I've run into a problem with a working DMVPN setup, where I need to move the external (DMVPN source interface) from the global table into the same VRF as the tunnel.Prior to adding the external into the VRF the tunnel was up and passing traffic.When ...
I'm working on a dual DMVPN network that supports digital radio. All of the sites were originally setup using Ethernet interfaces and had two operational tunnels passing traffic, with EIGRP as the IGP. show ip eigrp neighbour shows two adjacencies, a...
Hi, I'm attempting to setup SSH between my Ubuntu client and CSR 1000 router in  VIRL running 16.5.1b with SSH keys so that I don't need to enter a password, its for an Ansible lab I'm working on. Prior to setting this up I had regular  password auth...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-07-2002 07:17 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-21-2023 05:43 AM
Posts 592
Total Helpful Votes Received 187