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Member since ‎02-13-2006

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Hello   Is there a GitHub repository to download and set up APIC-EM to an AMI instance in AWS? 
Hello,I need to upgrade our current version of CUPS 7.0 to 8.5 to integrate with our new Exchange 2010 server that we are migrating to... Are thier currently any known caveats with this? I read through the integration guide and it mentioned a couple ...
Hello,I have to perform an upgrade from Unity 4.0(4) to 7.0 on new hardware.  My game plan at high level is below:1. Build out the exact same version of 4.0(4) on the new HW (consists of 1 Unity Svr and 1 Msg Store Svr)2. Once running on 4.0(4) upgra...
Hello,I have a customer who wants to know if the alerting message that tells you what ext just dialed 911 can be changed and customized to state not only the ext that called 911, but the users name tied to that phone as well?Thanks.
Hello,We are replacing a very old pbx with CUCM 7.0, but the old system has a feature on it where if a resident (elderly person) goes off-hook on thier analog phone after being off-hook for a certain amount of time (like 20 sec) it starts a ringdown ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-13-2006 08:58 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-17-2018 08:34 AM
Posts 120
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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