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Member since ‎12-12-2012

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I am working with a customer who reports on Abandoned call level in detail. In Simplistic terms, when running the Skill group Historical report we are seeing 24 calls abandoned in SL Aban column and 38 in the Aband calls column. Whilst those 2 column...
Team, I have taken a standard Reason code report, which I show as columns of the time for each reason code by Agent. I have a customer who want to see Total Call time (Talk/Active), % Call time & number of calls handled, all within the same report. T...
I have created a report which I have just imported into a customer site This is the Substring i have created to separate out data that is being shown in the Variables within the Termination Call Detail reportTCD.Variable2 as MIDandStatus,TCD.Variable...
I wonder if anyone can help, I have been asked to provide a report that takes multiple pieces of data that is being pushed into the Call variable 5 as a string, and then be able to report on each of the separate pieces of information within a report....
I have created a report based on ANI for a customer who wants to understand whether a customer has called in more than once. However although I can run it properly and bring back data, however when I add in the DateTime field, it doesn't bring back a...
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Member Since ‎12-12-2012 08:08 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-26-2019 05:01 PM
Posts 89
Total Helpful Votes Received 13
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