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Member since ‎06-18-2008

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I'm trying to deploy 1000v in a lab and I'm having trouble adding an ESXi host to the 1000v switch. I'm using VSUM 2.0 wizard to add the ESXi host to the 1000v. The vSphere Tasks shows the following line: Name: Add host to Cisco DVS, Status:
I recently noticed intermittent latency when pinging my ASA's interfaces. I see the same latency when pinging hosts through the ASA.For instance, when I ping the ASA's interface on my local network,, I normally see 1ms RTT, but every once ...
We recently extended our access layer using a pair of 5ks with extenders. We have a pair of 6509s at our core and they handle the intra-VLAN routing with SVIs. I recently noticed that access hosts connected to the extenders cannot pass traffic betwee...
A while back I changed my internal interface ACLs so we must explictly permit traffic between internal networks but still retain access to the internet. I chose to use an object group containing the three RFC1918 ranges to define the private networks...
We have a 2960S using a single SFP-10GBase-SR to our Core switch. We are planning connecting the 2960S to a pair of Nexus 5k switches using Copper SFPs. We are already doing this on another 2960S so I didn't expect any surprises.When I removed the un...
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Member Since ‎06-18-2008 05:45 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-31-2018 12:01 AM
Posts 40
Total Helpful Votes Received 19
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