Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎01-25-2009

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  • 146 Posts
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  • 54 Helpful votes Received
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Hi guys, We have a N7K VPC solution in our data center that we have recently deployed.  We have been using Cat3560s as our top of rack switches in the data center and now wish to refresh them.  What switch model would be best for this?  Here are our...
Hi guys, I am implementing IPv6 on a lab environment.  My ASA is running 8.2(5).  I am mapping the outside IP address to with the following command:static (inside,outside) netmask 255.255.255....
We have a requirement to have CUCM challenge for authentication when it receives an invite from a SIP 3rd Party Device.  Apparently, this functionality is available on other PBXs.  How do we configure it on CUCM?Thanks!Jeff
We have a CUBE connecting our CUCM environment to other enterprises via SIP trunks.  Is it possible for this CUBE to accept SIP registrations from remote video endpoints and funnel them back to the internal CUCM?Thanks!Jeff
I just noticed the CIUS is on New Product Hold (NPH) until March 12, 2012.  Is that correct?  Does this mean that customers ordering CIUS tablets will not receive them before March?Thanks, Jeff
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-25-2009 04:03 PM
Date Last Visited ‎03-14-2018 12:24 AM
Posts 146
Total Helpful Votes Received 54