Jigar Dave
Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎08-03-2008

User Statistics

  • 167 Posts
  • 12 Solutions
  • 0 Helpful votes Given
  • 30 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hi community,I need some advise on DMVPN question.one of my customer came at a situation to expand their data center from one to two location.at current set up - existing data center has 2 dmvpn router acting as hub and other offices are connected to...
 Hi Friends,I came across a situation where customer is expanding their rack and unfortunately, They have next available rack around 300 meters away from Core Switch (Nexus 5000). now in the new rack Customer wants to install Cisco FEX 2000 but chall...
Hello Forum,I would like to know why is the limitation of Cisco ASA in multicontext mode that it is not able to run routing protocols like OSPF, BGP?if I see SRX firewall, you can cut that virtually and can configure BGP, OSPF routing instances with ...
Hi,I am curious to know which routing protocol is well supported on Cisco ASA 5585. do someone on the forum has implemented routing on ASA? I have ASA 5585 on context mode, as of now 4 contexts have been created. upstream device is Nexus.I have ASA w...
Hi All,there is a customer need to setup webex in the organization.at present, customer is using bomgar to share desktop but it has some limitation.I would like to know what sort of infrastructure piece needed to set up a webex environment. any docum...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-03-2008 07:49 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-15-2019 07:59 PM
Posts 167
Total Helpful Votes Received 30