Andras Dosztal
Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎11-22-2004

User Statistics

  • 180 Posts
  • 17 Solutions
  • 178 Helpful votes Given
  • 216 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hi all, I was learning about BGP-EVPN, and would need some help with bridge domains. Q1: Can you confirm I can re-use VLAN IDs in different bridge domains on a switch for different tenants? I mean a setup like this: TenantAABBL2 VNI3010030200351003...
Hi,Would it be possible to export releases of the VM in qcow2 too? The reason I'm asking is because GNS3 integration would be much simpler then: I can create a template (aka appliance) file for QEMU VMs and, using that, users can import the VM with a...
After a new install on KVM, the "Initializing database. Please wait until initialization process finishes." message stays on the web interface, even if I wait for a long time (30 minutes). I didn't see any error messages during the installation (inst...
I've made a small tool call vRIN (virtual Route Injector). It's a VM appliance that can be used to flood your topology with thousands of routes (tested in GNS3 with 1M BGP prefixes).  You can use it to bring the real world closer to your lab: test co...
Hi, I'm thinking of creating a feature request but want to hear your opinion first. This idea came up when I was configuring switches remotely, and a miscabling caused some issues. My idea is to have a test feature of CDP that would work like this:Th...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-22-2004 11:43 PM
Date Last Visited ‎04-03-2019 12:09 AM
Posts 180
Total Helpful Votes Received 216