HI every body, I try this advice, with the command over the Switch Cisco 4500 over the ports where the phones 9971 are connected and function it for me, so I already have access to the menú accesories and can find the Cisco Camera Menú. Thanks for y...
Hi every body and Aaaron, I have and UCCX in HA, but in the Call Control Group I the area that said Number Of CTI Ports I can´t fill the blank with 50 (CTI ports that I have configured in the Call Manager) after the synchronization just show In progr...
You can go to on Windows 7home>run gpedit.msc and create a Policy/based Quality of ServiceSuppport here:http://www.networksetup.com/qos.htmhttp://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd919203(v=ws.10).aspx#BKMK_configuring