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Member since ‎12-27-2011

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Hello Experts,I am a lot confused about the different types of optics and media types. I will try to list some of my confusions:I think when we say "optics", it means the same thing as transceivers...sfp,sfp+ etc are kind of transceivers, right?Is me...
I read http://blog.ipexpert.com/2010/11/08/bgp-peering-and-default-routes/ and understood that BGP speaker will not initiate BGP connection with the other BGP router if it can reach it via default route only...And BGP peering will not come up at all ...
What is the purpose of "mpls ip" global command? I think just enabling mpls on an interface by using "mpls ip" should be sufficient, but then what is the purpose of the global level command?
I read that if next-hop of a route in VRF is known via global routing table, then it is normal and connection will work..Why is it so? Shouldn't the next-hop also be known in same VRF? Please suggest.
I am confused about the use case of bgp inject-maps. If the goal is to inject specific prefixes, then why not just add an ip route <network> <next-hop> statement for more specific prefix (so that the specific prefix appears in routing table) and then...
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Member Since ‎12-27-2011 08:41 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:27 AM
Posts 348
Total Helpful Votes Received 39