Furose M
Level 3
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Member since ‎08-15-2013

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VSS is supported on 4500 switches but the following requirements must meet.Licensing requirement:4500-X – IP base or higher.(not supported in LAN base)Sup7E – IP base or higher.(not supported in LAN base)Sup7LE- entservices. Software support:IOS-XE3....
In 3850, there is a button on the front panel named “MODE”. This button can be used to select one of the 5 LEDs we see on the top of the LED list. In order to find the physical location of the stack members, You need to press this button until you se...
There are 2 methods of booting and running IOS XE software in 3850 switch/stack.By default, the switches are shipped in Install mode. Bundle mode: Bundle mode is where we boot the switch/stack using the .bin file. This is the traditional method of bo...
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Member Since ‎08-15-2013 11:03 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-25-2018 03:25 AM
Posts 190
Total Helpful Votes Received 334
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