Hi,I need help with creating a macro on a CE 9.12+ codec (Room Kit Plus), please.What I want is a macro that will disable Multistream mode ("xConfiguration Conference MultiStream Mode: Off") when the codec dials a call to Webex (*.webex.com), and re-...
Hi, I need help with creating a macro on a CE 9.12+ codec, please. What I want is a macro that will disable Multistream mode ("xConfiguration Conference MultiStream Mode: Off") when the codec is in a call with Webex, and re-enable it when it is not c...
I was able to find out the syntax for main camera compositing in a macro: xapi.command('Video Input SetMainVideoSource', { ConnectorId: [1, 2], Layout: 'Equal' } );
Thanks.I think thought that I'm not looking for a way to program new camera controls. I don't relish the idea of teaching dozens of people a new way to do camera control.Really just looking for a way to format that command so the codec will accept it...
All outbound ports are open, and inbound ports detailed in this document (https://help.webex.com/en-us/WBX264/How-Do-I-Allow-Webex-Meetings-Traffic-on-My-Network) from the subnets detailed in the same document, are also open. What I don't know is if ...