Hello. I have Cisco L3 switch wich connected to ESXI via trunk and I have two vlans for servers. VM In Vlan 10 trying to connect to others VM in Vlan 10 but I can't receive ARP reply from others VM and gateway in Vlan 10. But if I switch this VM to V...
Hello. I trying to change IP and Vlan on AP AIR-CAP2702 via GUI Wi-Fi controller Cisco 2504 but after i changed IP, AP don't have assigned IP and can't connect to controller. What I doing wrong?
Hello. I have SVI vlan 500 on L3 switch configured as point-to-point link. I get this vlan 500 through trunk. Through this vlan I accept remote network I tried to setup access-list on SVI vlan 500 to access only few servers. For exam...
Hello! I have two ASA 5525-X with Firepower services. They work in cluster mode. When I launched ASDM in Device Dashboard -> ASA Cluster I saw the field "Time in Cluster" have 0d 0h 0m 0s. But in the console after I typed "show cluster info" I see"Cl...