Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎08-06-2002

User Statistics

  • 164 Posts
  • 8 Solutions
  • 26 Helpful votes Given
  • 99 Helpful votes Received
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User Activity

I have a unity 4.x unity server with 500 UM User Licenses and 32 sessions. I'am having to move ~ 200 users over to a new building with an isolated pbx, exchange and AD enviorment. Is it possible to take 16 sessions and 250 users off my existing Uni...
I have a Avaya switch that is running both 4 and 5 digit extentions and I want to connect a new unity 4.x for voicemail. Any issue with running variable length extentions in unity?Also i will be eventually transitioning all the avaya users to a 5 dig...
I'am a bit confused how come all Intel NetStructure documentation shows using a 2-wire digital 8434 set for integration, and in the cisco documentation it says I must configure for a 7434 (4-wire) or it won't work? I don't have any 4-wire digital ci...
Any limitation using aria-like conversation and Private Secure Messaging?
Is it possible to dual integrate into two traditional pbx's, for instance an Avaya & Nortel ?? The documentation always shows a CCM and one other tradional pbx as part of a dual integration. Also, if it is possible can i also run the unity failover s...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-06-2002 11:18 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 164
Total Helpful Votes Received 99