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Member since ‎12-22-2017

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  • 21 Posts
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  • 76 Helpful votes Given
  • 42 Helpful votes Received
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We have an SDA network being configured and setup by another contractor. As sites get migrated to our control we are using a new Network profile with a different set of templates under a different project. The old templates are no longer applied to t...
I inherited a Cisco 9500 at a remote site that has bypassed the startup config every time it has been rebooted.  I have issued the "no system ignore startupconfig" command and wrote the config multiple times but am still having the issue.  The issue ...
I have an issue with a Cisco C9500-48Y4C.  I have two of them in a Stackwise virtual setup, and on one of the chassis I recently started having an issue where any SFP is insert is not recognized.  I don't even get a log message saying that an SFP was...
Has anybody had an issue with 9500's not allowing a route-map be applied for policy routing because verify-availability is configured for the route-map?  I'm runing IOS XE Version 16.12.02 with Network Advantage, and have verified that it is the veri...
Hello,   I'm utilizing Trustsec in manual mode with the gcm-encrypt setting for layer 2 point to point encryption on some links to other sites in our network.  The issue that I'm running into is that it seems to randomly cause the Windows network pro...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-22-2017 12:28 PM
Date Last Visited ‎11-18-2024 12:49 PM
Posts 21
Total Helpful Votes Received 42
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