Good Afternoon Guys, I am having a bit of trouble trying to understand how the personal callback works using UCCE 11.6 Cisco Dialler. I've ventured through the documentation and have labbed and exercised the procedure using 2 agents and a campaign wi...
Good Evening
I am currently experiencing an issue whereby the mediaserver and mediaserver-back up is not working correctly when the VXML server is shutdown on the primary side of the deployment, despite having the secondary side readily available. ...
Hi Cisco Community Support,
We have an issue where internally forwarded calls to external are not receiving RTP, this was rectified by using the following commands:
voice service voip
media anti-trombone
However, even after having saved the confi...
Good Evening,
I am currently working on a CVP/UCCE lab environment and I'm currently experiencing issues trying to get dynamic labels routing to an internal line within my ICM script.
I currently have the sprawler setup (ICM/PROGGER) with CVP seper...
Good Morning Cisco Support Community!
I have another query regarding devices with the capability of Handset/Headset Monitoring, currently our estate houses 7942G's throughout the contact centre however these have recently became End of Life and we ...
Hi, This has been resolved by modifying the file located within the CVP installation directory. The following needs to be amended from "False" to "True": SIP.UseBackupIVRSS=true After the restart, it seems to be working fine. Many than...
Thank you very much!! This is the correct answer, I have now rectified my lab and is now completely working!
"Does your CUCM also has FQDN Configured as cucm.mylab.local? FQDN configured on CVP for CUCM SIP group must match with FQDN configured...