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Member since ‎06-12-2013

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This post nicely describes how to add a custom gadget to the Finesse Horizontal Header bar: This looks like it ought to be a really useful feature to hav...
The Outbound Option guide states: "Importing a local file succeeds only if you import it to the active side. To avoid having to identify which side is active, you can use any of the following methods:", after which it explains the three options of i)...
I need to link the Termination_Call_Detail (TCD) record to the Dialer_Detail (DD) record for outbound dialled calls. Normally, I can do this via the PeripheralCallKey. However, for whatever reason (presumably a bug?), the DD.PeripheralCallKey is null...
I am feeding accounts to the Dialer; I need to purge them at the end of each day. However, if one or more agents remain logged in (even if in Not Ready), the Dialer will keep hold of one or more accounts (i.e. their status is 'A'ctive in the DL_ tabl...
The CAXL on-premise deployment guide describes how CAXL can be deployed to an Apache web server: it possible to deploy it to a Tomcat ser...
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Member Since ‎06-12-2013 08:19 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-24-2021 02:49 AM
Posts 23
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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