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Member since ‎02-08-2010

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                   We are running into a really strange issue.  We have a Phoenix Contact MGuard firewall behind a Cisco ASA and it's trying to establish a VPN to another Phoenix MGuard halfway across the world and it's failing.  The logs on the MGua...
I'm starting to see an error creep up that I havn't seen since 2003/2004 on my brand new 5508 controllers.  I'm recieving the following from my WCS: Receive Multicast Queue is full on Controller and then on the controller itself RX Multicast Queue Fu...
Hi All,I have a question (and maybe this is the designed behavior).  We have quite a few new Windows 7 clients that we didn't have in the past.  They are experiencing "slowness" issues communicating with 2008 Servers.  I've been doing some digging an...
This question is out on Google, no good answers so I figure this is probably the best place to go.  I know that there are a ton of SSH apps, telnet apps, etc for the IPad and Android based OS's.  The one thing I'm not seeing is a serial console utili...
Hi All,I think it's about time to buy an Implementing Cisco IPv6 book for me...  How in the world do I track down an IPv6 client in my network.  I didn't even realize that IPv6 was possible in my network without me turning on some IPv6 routing functi...
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Member Since ‎02-08-2010 06:11 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-24-2018 02:02 AM
Posts 42
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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