Daniel Davidson
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Member since ‎06-10-2010

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I am trying to setup a C9500-32C with our nexus 7706, and I cannot get the two to bring up the link between them.  The 7706 is in production and has one existing 100Gb port in use that is functional, so I think the primary problem would be with the C...
I have a private network, and I need to let one IP in that private network map to an IP on the public network.  for example needs behave like IP A.B.C.D on the public network.Normally, I would just add an interface on the system that was ...
We needed to change the IP of our many to one nat earlier today.  Relevant config lines below:   interface Vlan90 ip address ip nat inside!interface Vlan281 ip address a.b.c.d ip nat outside ip flow monitor c...
I have a weird issue that I need assistance with.  We have a 6807 that we have been using to make a many to one NAT for our classroom.  Relevant information included below:   interface Vlan90 ip address ip nat inside! inte...
We have cisco 3850 stacks on our access layer.  If someone transfers a large amount of data through one, after some time all of that data starts to get broadcast to all ports on the switch, causing all active ports to report that they are running at ...
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Member Since ‎06-10-2010 02:06 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-08-2024 03:50 AM
Posts 57
Total Helpful Votes Received 1
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