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Level 4
Member since ‎06-29-2006

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Hi,Can I have more than 2 ace 4710 in an active/standby scenario? I have two Dc´s with extended L2 so I would need to have high availabity between the two DC´s and two ace´s 4710 per DC.
Hi,Can Vwaas be configured for inline interception mode?Can I use the "Intel® PRO/1000 Quad Port Bypass Server Adapters" to function with vwaas o perform inline interception and fail-to-wire?Any additional configuration on the Vmware to make the Byp...
Hi,Anyone has more information on supervisor WS-X45-SUP7L-E?I saw that it has 520Gbps of backplane, but does it supports Netflow? How many uplink does it has?
I would like to know if the 1040 AP have support to Band Select on controller-based mode, below there are two documents saying different things, Can anyone clarify this?AP At-a-glance - Says that bandselect is supported on 1040 for controller-based:h...
Hi,I was reading about the clean air technology and found that the spectrum data is sent from the ap to the controller for analysis, so what is the bandwidth used for this ap to controller communication (spectrum data)?
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-29-2006 06:50 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 43
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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