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Member since ‎07-11-2007

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I'm curious about the upgrade path for ASA. If I have an ASA running 7.x code and want to upgrade it to 9.1, do I need to jump to intermediate code if I don't care about the config? As soon as it gets to 9.1 I plan to do a wr erase and start over. T...
I've followed all the documentation in the Cisco Jabber for Mac guide (http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/voice_ip_comm/jabber/mac/8.6/b_jabber_mac_admin_guide_chapter_010.html#task_17316C7E28ED4667A6945EA4750FAB82) and everything is working great excep...
I'm having a problem uploading a document. I just finished upgrading UCCX from 7.0 to 8.5 and one of my scripts is having a lot of problems and I'm stuck on one. The script allows someone to call in and change the call center state to On, Off, or Aut...
Let's say I have two sites. They dial each other over a WAN with e.164 numbers (including the leading + symbol). If I'm in one site and call someone at the other site and they don't answer, how will my number show in their missed call list. With the ...
I have a problem that seems like it should be pretty simple but I've been banging my head against the wall for a couple days now and still nothing. I'm trying to take a number pattern (7135551[2-4]..) and put a plus in front of it (make it an e.164 n...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-11-2007 10:32 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 49
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