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Member since ‎07-25-2018

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Ok, so I just received some 9348 switches.  Since that product is NX-OS based; I wondered (without looking at the support chart FIRST) if they supported FEX's; since the NX-OS versions one can run on them do.  And since they have 4 SFP+ and 2 QSFP po...
I want to create a double layered vpc environment using 9336c-fx2 switches running nx-os 9.x.  According to some doc I've seen; each vpc switch pair's vdc id needs to be unique in the network.By default; the id seems to be 1.  Is it possible to chang...
I've looked; but documentation on this isn't exactly clear.I read where a Cisco device running IOS can function as a DNS forwarder - ie not resolving the name/IP relationship itself; but passing it on to the "real" nameservers and relaying the respon...
Nexus 9k 9336C-FX2 running nx-os 9.3.5.  Upon upgrade from nx-os 9.2.2; I immediately began getting messages about mac learning being disabled on the native vlan (which is distributed world-wide over thousands of switches) due to "to many mac moves"....
Ok, so I wanted to set up multi-homed active/active FEX connections which apparently came out in nx-os 9.3.5.  At the previous 9.2 level; I had no bpdu issues on my FEX's; since while one cannot disable bpdu guard on FEX ports; bpdu filtering takes c...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-25-2018 04:37 PM
Date Last Visited ‎04-18-2023 12:51 PM
Posts 22
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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