saif akbar
Level 1
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Member since ‎06-18-2011

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Hi,we are using cisco anyconnect for VPN to connect to our network. the authentication is through Radius server.  The problem is that if a user who have access to vpn can download anyconnect to any computer at his home and able to connect. What i wan...
Hi,We have mpls setup btw 3 sites.  i recently setup IPSec tunnel btw 3 sites for backup. Now if i shut the interface on my core where the MPLS router is connected, i lost the connectivity btw sites, even though i have setup static routes.E.gstatic r...
Hi,1. I am trying to setup a vpn connection between 3 sites (1 headquarter 2 branches).2. Also, i want to setup another vpn connection with a different site (abroad) by using same cisco 800 series router. Is above possible ? If yes, can someone pleas...
Hi,I have 3 three sites and want to setup VPN connection, any weblinks would be appreciated. Also, is this possible to setup multiple VPN tunnels with different sites from one router ? If yes, please give some examples. I would like to setup VPN conn...
I have cisco 3845 router. Currently we are using T1 line between two locations but recently we upgraded to TW Telecom Eline 4Meg. TW telecom handoff me an ehternet connection, they bundeled 3 T1  together. Now i want to use the existing t1 as it is b...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-18-2011 06:53 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-22-2019 12:07 AM
Posts 29
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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