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Member since ‎09-18-2018

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  • 16 Posts
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Hello Experts,I have ISR 4461 router having 2 ISPs terminating with each has 1Gig internet bandwidth. We have failover on ISP circuits. We have below licenses pre-installed on the box.Technology Package License Information:---------------------------...
Hello, I am planning to procure couple of switches for our new office.On Access layer, I will have C9300 8 switches stack (6Nos. C9300-48P-A & 2Nos C9300-48UXM-A). I am also considering C9300-NM-2Y (2x25G SFP ports) uplink module in each C9300-48UXM ...
Hello Experts, I am currently facing an issue with etherchannel loosing connectivity with VMWare ESXi 6.7 host server. This is the new setup.So I have got 2 C9300 series switches (C9300-48UXM-A and C9300-48P-A) stack together. And 2 gig ports from C9...
Hello Experts, I am tasked to deploy a new Cisco 5516-X ASA (with firepower services) behind an existing Cisco router. Purpose of this addition is to setup remote access and IPsec VPN tunnels on the Cisco ASA. So it will be ISP => Cisco Router => Cis...
Hello Experts, I have Cisco 5516 ASA (Software Version 9.8(4)8)  and we are undergoing requirement to build 2 IPSec vpn tunnels with same source and destination encryption domain but having different peer IPs. And we are requested to keep both tunnel...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-18-2018 10:11 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-22-2022 12:34 AM
Posts 16
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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