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Member since ‎06-01-2005

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  • 104 Posts
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 Hi all, I have a question on how the routier will choose the most longest match/ specific route.Some books say router will alway choose the longest match first.Next, it say if it has multiple longest matches from different protocols, it will choose ...
Hi,I have this 2x ASA5540 firewall and notice the it is configured with a standby ip. The firewall is run in Active/Passive mode.However, the standby ip of this firewall is not point to the seconday firewall and vice versa for the primary firewall.AS...
Hi,I try to search for any cisco whitepaper regarding the PoE. But i could not find it.I need to know what is the maximum number of PoE devices the switches can supported.Is there any impact to the switch if the PoE power is used up ?Thanks
What Is different if we installed different hardware version for WS-X6748-GE-TX module and CEF card?Will it have any impact to the network?A#sh module Mod Ports Card Type                                          Model            --- ----- -----------...
Hi,I have these errors messages found in  the ASA box. What does it mean and how to go about to troubleshoot it.%ASA-7-713906: IP = x.x.x.x, Trying to find group via cert rules...%ASA-7-713906: IP = x.x.x.x, Connection landed on tunnel_group TEST%ASA...
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Member Since ‎06-01-2005 10:00 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-19-2020 12:59 AM
Posts 104
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