Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎04-11-2019

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I have several branches with channels of different bandwidth, I hang the bandwidth parameter on the uplink port for monitoring, can the same parameter be used in policy or shaper to allocate speed to the necessary applications? let's say there is 300...
I want to config macsec between two 9300L, but when i started to config i noticed:they don't have this command9300_stack#show run interface gig 1/0/1interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1description MACSEC_manual_3850-2-gi1/0/1switchport access vlan 10switch...
I have a new C9200L at a remote site, there are also C2960-48 and C1111-4P from the equipment, all this without AUX ports, earlier with other devices I just set a static ip on the router port and did NAT, but this does not work with the C9200L , teln...
Maybe someone has already connected 2 separate vmanages? I have 2 vManages deployed that are behind NAT, vbond have public ip addresses, in the DR master you need to specify ip vbond, will these be public ip or management ip addresses (vpn512)?
how can i move devices to new vmanage?new vmanage in another data center with different ip, vSmart and vBond instances are already installed and working in the same data center
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Member Since ‎04-11-2019 07:46 PM
Date Last Visited ‎03-09-2022 11:01 PM
Posts 211
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