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Member since ‎02-09-2010

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  • 106 Posts
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Hi,I have distributed the "Cisco System VPN Client" to a lot of laptops.But I get a lot of call on that the VPN client does not start automatically, when the user tries to log on the computer.I have located the setting in the Cisco System...
Hi,On our network we have more than 500 laptops (and member of our domain) with Windows XP Professional installed; on top of this we have installed the Cisco Systems VPN Client, so the users have remote access to our network.But... we are...
Hi,We are currently running Cisco Unified Communication - System version and Cisco Unity 4.2 andCisco Unified Contact Center Express 7.0(1).I am wondering... Does there a tool that can simulate a phone call from a number and to another ...
Hi,In our Cisco Unified Communication 7.0 installation, I have begun a project to release some licenses by deleting the physical phones that have the "unknown" status in the IP-address field.I do the same thing with the ATA-units with the "unknown" s...
Hi,In our Cisco Unified Communications Manager installation, I have just tried to make a Cisco IP Communicator phone work.I have taken the phone number from my Cisco IP Phone (with the phone number 1595) and installed and config...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-09-2010 12:56 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 106
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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