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Member since ‎08-30-2019

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HI everyone.  I need a solution that when you connect to my network via wireless or fiber, it asks the user to authenticate with a username and a password and then based on its account, will receive certain bandwith for a certain time and maybe other...
HI everyone.  I need a solution that when you connect to my network via wireless or fiber, it asks the user to authenticate with a username and a password and then based on its account, will receive certain bandwith for a certain time and maybe other...
Hi guys! I have an old 3725 and some ip phones i would like to configure. I just downloaded the 7911 firmware files and created the DHCP with option 150 and did the telephony service setup on the router... I saw some videos where people install the C...
Hi guys, i recently installed a 851W to improve my wireless signal, but the thing is im next to my cisco device and the signal is allways at half... and i have my old gateway with integrated wifi that is giving me a stronger signal and its a lot of m...
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Member Since ‎08-30-2019 01:32 PM
Date Last Visited ‎11-04-2019 05:44 PM
Posts 12