Preston Kilburn
Level 1
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Member since ‎05-31-2012

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Greetings all - I am trying to enable netflow on a new 3850-24 with ipservices.  I am leveraging LiveAction and have raised a ticket with them to help me through the issue, but more generally I'm confused about the lack of features I'm seeing. Per th...
Hello all, I have a large corporate campus that we are imminently implementing QoS on.  I would like to maintain as much of the SRND AutoQoS 4 settings as possible.  I have placed the following configs into the supervisors and it takes the config.  I...
I have an IVR script that I am running at a client's location.  There are three hunt pilots which all go to phones in a retail store.  The IVR says something like 1 for sales (xfer to 1996), 2 for deliveries (external number), 3 for cust service (xfe...
I converted a set of switches last night (3650-lan base 12.2) to a new stack of qty 2 - 2960s (IOS 15 latest) with flexstack on them.  They are connecting to a UCS 200 running CUCM and Unity, managed by VMWare w/o Virtualcenter.  For whatever reason ...
Greetings all.  I currently have two routers that have connections over frame relay using 172.20.x.x ip addresses.  The remote offices connect to a central 2811 router.  The field routers are 1841's.  Due to hardware issues (lack of ethernet ports an...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-31-2012 08:22 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-28-2018 11:55 AM
Posts 27
Total Helpful Votes Received 11
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