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Member since ‎11-12-2019

User Statistics

  • 70 Posts
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  • 82 Helpful votes Given
  • 26 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Unless I'm misunderstanding AIGP and the types of BGP routes, Cisco and other vendors say that AIGP is a optional non-transitive BGP PA. But from my understanding AIGP is passed from peer to peer in the same AS, and also other peers in different AS (...
I understand that certain multicast blocks are routable and are not routable (e.g. /24), but I can't find anything on the reserved multicast subnet block ( - and - subnet blocks are ...
Just wanted to confirm if my thinking is correct, but from my understanding, the likes of CBWFQ and LLQ (any other queuing/scheduling algorithms) are not applied until the interface reaches its max capacity (being the physical interface itself, or th...
I'm currently new to ISE and I've been trying to setup my ISE server as the radius server for a few switches and ASAs. I can correctly configure up AAA authentication on the devices using ISE so that's fine, but I'm struggling with the enable passwor...
Just trying to understand when the token refresh occurs for the QoS shaping mechanism. From my understanding tokens are put into the Bc token bucket (single-rate three colour bucket) at the Tc rate? Is this correct? Or are tokens put into the bucket ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-12-2019 05:41 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-29-2023 05:23 AM
Posts 70
Total Helpful Votes Received 26
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