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Member since ‎08-30-2006

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Hi. Does anyone have the part code for the salesforce.com unified call connector?I cant seem to find the part code and distribution have not been able to locate it either.Someone suggested it may be free? can anyone clarify this?
When using the UC520 inside the LAN voicemail works correctly. When trying to use outside such as to leave a message, it seems the voicemail picks up, but you cannot hear anything, the it disconnects.This is over a SIP trunk.Anyone else had this? UC5...
Having issues with the standalone operator console program at the radius screen. The program does not seem to be able to setup radius, even though it downloaded the router config, phones etc fine.I tried setting up radius server deatils at CLI level ...
Hi I'm trying to configure the HWIC-4SHDSL for 4 pair (eight wire) m-pair mode.Here is the config.!controller SHDSL 0/0/0 termination cpe dsl-group 0 pairs 0, 1, 2, 3 m-pair shdsl rate auto!interface ATM0/0/0 no ip address load-interval 30 no atm i...
Can anyone tell me what software can recieve the qos statistics output data and display some useful information? I assume its something like ntop?Thanks
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Member Since ‎08-30-2006 03:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-07-2021 12:03 AM
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