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QoS urgent issue

Level 1
Level 1

Hi friends,

I have a link with 2 MB and I have 2 application groups. One group are application that can use all link BW (2mb) and I have other app that runn over tftp protocol; If the first app group use 1.8 MB, this ftp application can use 0.2 MB, if first group app use 1.5 MB, ftp aplication will use 0.5 MB, and if the first group app use only 0.5 MB, the FTP application can use maximum 1 MB. The purpose is that first group application can runn without BW problems. How can Implement it?

Best regards.

12 Replies 12

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Raul,

on which kind of equipment you have this 2MB link?


Hi friend,

I have a central router, its a 6513, and its links with branch offices with 2811 series.

Thank you and regards

Level 1
Level 1


I would try to implement it like this:

firstclass is first application group; secondclass is FTP application

class-map match-all firstclass

match (firstclass match)

class-map match-all secondclass

match (secondclass match)

policy-map child

class secondclass

shape peak 1000000

policy-map parent

class firstclass

priority percent 95

class secondclass

service-policy child

interface X/Y

service-policy parent

Please rate this post if you find this solution usable.



Hi friend,

Thank you for information.

I have some questions..

First application group is a group with many application, I dont know which are them..telnet, http, https, SAP...

How can I implement on a access-list???

The second-group app are FTP application, with this config, FTP app can use 1MB maximum, but only when there are BW available????

-In the config have a "priority percent 95", this say that its rserved a 95% of BW??? why???

Its applied on output??

Regards and thank you

Level 10
Level 10


I would suggest a slightly different config:

ip cef

class match-all FTP

match protocol ftp

class match-all class-default

match any

policy-map LimitFTP

class FTP

shape average 1000000

class class-default

bandwidth percent 95

interface Serial0/0

bandwidth 2048

service-policy output LimitFTP

max-reservable-bandwidth 95

The difference is that here FTP is limited to max. 1 Mbps and all other applications are guaranteed up to 95% of the interface bandwidth. FTP would then get a maximum of 5%. In case the other apps do not utilize their bandwidth FTP can use up to 1 Mbps.

Hope this helps! please rate all posts.

Regards, Martin

Hi friend,

I dont understand why we type "bandwidth percent 95" and "max-reservable-bandwidth 95"....

Thank you very much and regards


per default only 75% of the interface bandwidth can be used in a policy-map. "max-reservable-bandwidth 95" allows to use up to 95% for bandwidth guarantees in a policy-map.

"bandwidth percent 95" reserves 95% of the interface for the respective class, IF there is so much traffic. The reservation is not exclusively, i.e. any traffic will be forwarded across the interface without restriction, IF there is not other traffic. In your case FTP can utilize the bandwidth unless other traffic occurs.

Hope this helps! Please rate all posts.

Regards, Martin


Can I apply this config on a frame-relay interface?

Best regards


yes, but usually not directly. Instead use:

frame-relay traffic-shaping

interface Serial0/0.100

frame-relay interface-dlci 100

class FRclass

map-class frame-relay FRclass

service-policy output

Adjust DLCI and interfaces to your environment.

Hope this helps! Please rate all posts.

Regards, Martin


Can I also apply this to my current setup which is Frame Relay?

I have a dilemma with my VoIP setup which is connected via F/R and also with a DATA running into it. The problem is whenever there is a large chunk of data e.g. sending of email with attached file, the voice is very much affected like a garbled voice.

Can I use bandwidth percentage? Say limiting the transmit of data to only 40% of the total bandwidth.

BTW, our bandwidth is 128kbps. thank you very much and hope to hear a reply from you guys.


On any link that is lower than 2 Mbps, you need also a frame interleaving which will chop longer frames into specified size. You can easily calculate it or find it on CCO.



Hi friends,

I have apply the QoS config on my frame-relay network, but I have an error. The config is:

class-map match-all FTP

match protocol ftp

policy-map limitFTP

class FTP

shape average 1000000

map-class frame-relay test

service-policy output limitFTP

interface serial0/0/0

frame-relay traffic-shaping

interface serial0/0/0.30

frame-relay interface DLCI XXX

class test

!!!! I HAVE AN ERROR when apply the class test: Only class-default supported over FR VC?s !!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is this??

Best regards.