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Office Manager assumes UC560 is the default gateway

Level 1
Level 1

Anyone been able to get around this?

There seems to be a bug with the Office Manager software were it assumes your default gateway is the UC560.

It incorrectly picks up the address of your default gateway as the address for the UC560, and so you cannot log into or use the Office Manager softwar

This is a big assumption.

In my experience less than 5% of my clients who have deployed a UC500 system have reconfigured their existing networks to use the UC560 as the default gateway or WAN router,

Most companies have existing infrastructure (servers/switches/wan routers/firewalls) and an aging PBX which they are replacing. They just want the PBX features. Lets not forget the UC560 scales to 104 users... This isn't exactly "small"

The only senario I can see for using the UC560 as the default gateway (or using the WAN port) is for a new company startup with no existing infrastructure.

I have tried manually entering the correct IP address into CiscoDeviceDiscovery.xml but the software seems to ignore this and still tries to connect to the default gateway IP address (which is a Cisco router), and there no option to manually enter an IP.


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
This file is generated automaticly by a program
<UC520 ipAddr="" port="23" />

6 Replies 6

David Harper
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Did you try using the Advanced Settings link in the top right corner to specify the UC500 address?  Office Manager makes an effort to automatically discover the UC500, but obviously that won't work in all cases.



If the IP address has not been manually defined, OM implements a logic to try to discover the UC500 that includes trying to access the following:

1) Default Gateway of the host computer

2) Default IP address of the UC500 voice vlan IP

3) Some well known, fixed IP's.


From memory all the menus are grayed out but I believe you if you say its there
I can't get into Office Manager at the moment, I get the error;

'Cisco Configuration Assistant is currently running.
It must be shutdown before Office Manager can start.'

CCA is not running
I have rebooted a couple of times, same error
I have uninstalled CCA, same error
I have uninstalled & reinstalled Office Manager and still get the error

'Cisco Configuration Assistant is currently running.
It must be shutdown before Office Manager can start.'

In the past, I have seen that opening and closing CCA fixes this issue. May I ask you to please open a case and send me the case number by private message?



I have found the following workarounds;

To get around the CCA is running error;

- There are some log files left behind in the CCA directory after you uninstall CCA

- Manualy delete these log files. Office Manager will then open without error

To get around the incorrect IP issue.

- I remembered correctly, all options are disabled/grayed out (Advanced Settings | Feedback etc)

- You only have the option for the UC520 username/password/enable and the default gateway IP

- Enter any garbage for username/password

- Click connect, it will try and connect for a minute

- When it fails, it changes to 'Searching' and the menus at the top will become accessible

- Click Advanced Settings.

- Enter an IP address manually

I had the same error

'Cisco Configuration Assistant is currently running.
It must be shutdown before Office Manager can start.'

A reboot didn't fix it.  I found that there's a LOCK file in this directory.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Cisco Systems\CiscoSMB\Cisco Configuration Assistant\utilities

I renamed it LOCK.bak and tried again and it worked. FYI