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One way audio issue

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Everybody,

I have a new issue with the UC320 W of one of my clients. After resolving with your support a problem with the disconnection tone, now I have a new issue. The problem of this new issue is that it doesn't happen at every call, but just sometimes, and I cannot understand if randomly or with some logic. When somebody calls one of the 3 lines connected to the FXOs, sometimes the caller doesnt' hear anything, while we hear him, and this happens also when the Voice Mail or the Auto respondant answers. As I said before, it doesn't happen at every call: in fact, if the caller hangs up and calls again, everything works fine. I have the last firmware updated as well as the last region pack (Italy_x3_v1). Also installed a PMF sent to me by Cisco (

Manual Entry Disconnect Tone.pmf) that allowed me to manually entry the disconnect tone. I wish somebody could help me quickly, because the client started to be tired of having always some issue...

3 Replies 3

Level 4
Level 4

Hi Stefano,

How long is the system up time? You can find out from Status-> Devices. What is the firmware release? If it's the latest firmware 2.3.2(6), could you please perform fxo/fxo loopback testing and fxo/fxs loopback testing at Status-> Support Tools.

Best regards,
