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Reboot Reason

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Level 1

my SPA509G reboot several times today. the Reboot History shows that the reboot reason is "System 4". What is that mean? Anyone knows?

28 Replies 28

Dan Lukes
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

It is firmware failure triggered by specific condition like

  1. specific combination of configuration options
  2. specific network activity
  3. or so.

Turn on syslog&debug messages (highest level) and catch them. Catch SIP packets as well. The logging period should cover two reboots at least. Such log may reveal important facts related to the issue. There should be a workaround.

I assume you are running latest firmware.

OR ...

... forget everything above, buy support contract and call support.


I hate to bring up an older topic but its better than setting up a new duplicate one.

Reboot History: System 4 (date and time)
Product name: SPA508G
Software version: 7.5.7
Hardware version 1.0.3

I have 4 of these deployed, only one is affected with this.

All have the same config on the phones, except the extension as they are slightly different, of course.

The network activity is the same across all of them, and they all connected to a cisco router.

Where do I turn on the syslog and debug, is that on the router or the SPA phones themselves?

I assume catching SIP packet with wireshark?

Thanks for your time,


"System 4" stands for "firmware fault".

It may be caused by hardware malfunction. It can be triggered by malformed request/packet sent by someone to phone. It may be caused by specific network activity on phone's PC port. By damaged firmware and/or language pack. By specific users activity. By damaged Ethernet cable. By damaged power supply. By electromagnetic noise. And so many others.

At the first, swap two phones - the affected one and the unaffected one (e.g. swap their physical location as well as configuration). If issue will move with the phone, then it's phone related. If it will remain in same location, it's location related.

Turn on syslog&debug (highest level) and capture them. Capture SIP packets as well (if it will not help you will be asked to capture ALL packets flowing thru Ethernet cable connected to SW port) . It will help with issue analysis.

Check Ethernet port statistics on the Cisco router - especially error counters.

I have already done the swap already.

I have also changed the power supply, Ethernet cable, and checked the block its all going to.

Last thing to check will be the port on the router, which is slim but the only other thing that is the same at this time.

Thanks for the quick reply.

I have already done the swap already.

But you didn't disclosed the results to us ... ;-)

Even trying to make sure I gave all the info I failed to do that.

Troubleshooting so far:

Swap phone with known working one (same hardware and software and settings like stated before)

Issue was at the desk, DIDN'T follow the phone.

Swapped power supply to the phone

Issue still present (corrected by customer that it was never swapped out)

Swapped Ethernet cable from phone to patch panel

Issue still present

Swapped Ethernet cable from patch panel to router

Issue still present

Swapped port on the router to see if the port on the router is bad.

Issue still present

Swapped power supply to the phone

Issue still present

Checking the logs doesnt show anything during the time the phone says there is a problem.

We are going to leave this as an old phone issue (its been in use for over 3 years now).

We will see if that fixes the issue.

There we go, as you see I will update the result when I hear back from them.

Its usually about a week turn around. So if you see its been longer than that, you can assume that for this case that is what fixed it.

Edit: After doing the replacement of the power supply, which is the last thing we haven't replaced, the issue is still present.

I checked under Voice > Info tab, and the elapsed time and reboot reason aren't the same.

Reboot reason is over 4 days ago, when we replaced the power supply, but the elapsed time is 45 minutes.

Shouldn't the reboot reason give me a reason, on why the elapsed time is different?

As issue doesn't follow the phone, it's not caused by hardware fault, damaged firmware of saved dictionaries. It's not caused by Ethernet cable (but still can be caused by device on other end of both cables).

It may be caused by particular configuration of the phone.

You should turn on & capture syslog&debug. If the issue will occur even after swapped port on router, you will have data for further analysis.

Update will be here

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I will make a new comment and add it so its not something you have to go further to see. I want to make sure if it does get fixed and how it does is posted for others.

You should turn on & capture syslog&debug. If the issue will occur even after swapped port on router, you will have data for further analysis.

So many things I still have to learn and put in my tool bag. Thanks so much.

I still don't know where you are telling me to turn on the syslog and debug.

Where do I find these and turn them on? The router, the phone....

See Debug and syslog Messages from the SPA3xx, SPA5xxG, ...

Messages can be captured either by syslog server (but make sure it's properly configured to save all messages received) or by casual packet tracer like tcpdump, wireshark or so.

Oh man has it been a while since I have interacted on forums.

Forgot "search the forum" rule.

I dont know enough about tcpdump and still need more help with wireshark.

So ill just get onto the phone and see if I can send it to the pbx box that is on the customers site and then I should be able to download it every 24 hours.

Thanks for the quick responses.

Using the slogsrv.exe Utility may help, although I'm unsure the slogsrv.exe will run on recent Windows.

I dont have access to the windows machines on site there. I do have a PBX running cent os that i have access to. Might just have to do tcpdump to that remote cent os box and then get it to my work desk.

EDIT: I guess I have a syslog server running.

From the Syslog and Debug post, is "Debug Level: X" only for the debug server or does that apply to the Syslog server as well?

I assume the first, but as you are asked to capture both, it's not necessary to know the correct answer.