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SPA303 PC Port issues?

Level 1
Level 1

I have about 8 SPA303 phones off of a UC320W. I have two phones that the PC port appears to "stop" working occasionally.. Meaning that the users have laptops and disconnect at night and when they come in the morning, the plug back in and usually are fine, but sometimes (turning out to be more frequently) the laptop does not even get a link. I tried unplugging the network cable and reconnecting it to see if it was sometimes the negotiation was not happening, but that did not seem to do anything. I tried a soft reboot on the phone and that did not seem to clear it up. However, a power cycle seems to clear it up most of the time.Is there some kind of known issue? Or am I just dealing with a couple manufacturing defects? The other phones appear to be working fine (at least for now) The system is only been in a month, so I have no real history of issues. Any ideas?

SPA303 versions:

     software: 7.4.7v26

     hardware: 1.0.1

UC320W version :2.1.4(3)



2 Replies 2

Diego Betancor
Level 1
Level 1

To me it seams that the phone are taking the IP with DHCP of the PCs. What I would do is fix the phone and PC ips outs of the DHCP range of the router.

It has not happened in the past few days. I will wait to see it happen again and verify that indeed the phones are in the incorrect address range. Thanks for the suggestion.