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UC520 Licensing Questions

John Gawf
Level 1
Level 1

I have a client who wants to add four phones to a UC520. Here is the output from the 'show platform software license'

#show platform software license

Upgrade license              : uc500-16u-upgrade
License UDI                  : UC520W-8U-4FXO-K9 :FHK11351185
License status               : Not in Use
Maximum User Licenses        : 14
Used User Licenses           : 12
Available User Licenses      : 2
System upgraded atleast once : No

My questions:

  1. It shows to have a 16 user upgrade but the maximum user licenses is 14.  Where are the other two licenses?
  2. From   "Remember, for customers wishing to move from the 8/16-user version to the 24/32/48-user version, a hardware replacement is required. The Cisco to Cisco Technology Migration Program (TMP) will provide a 10 percent credit of the original list price toward the larger system.”

    The UC520 is running Version 12.4(11)XW5.   Is this statement correct for the UC520?
2 Replies 2

Brandon Buffin
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Take a look at the following document regarding adding a license via CLI or CCA. Try the " license feature uc500-16u-upgrade" command.

Hope this helps.


David Trad
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Hi John,

On an 8 User license system you actually have about 10 licenses, 2 of them are floating and are used for things like Soft Phones, if I am not mistaken on an 8 user system the licenses break down as such:

  • 8 End User Licenses
  • 4 FXS port licenses
  • 2 Floating licenses (Used for CIPC)

That is a total of 14 licenses.. So I wonder if in theory you disabled the FXS ports you would be able to retrieve those 4 FXS licenses and use them for IP phones???

Who knows but maybe the Cisco team can clarify the licensing arrangements in the event they have changed, but you are not missing 2 licenses or at least shouldn't be, they should still be there.



Cheers, David Trad. **When you rate a persons post, you are indicating a thank you or that it helped, but at the same time you are also helping to maintain the community spirit - You don't have to rate posts and you wont be looked down upon :) *