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UC560 change "Ring Type" for internal or external calls

Brian Rapier
Level 1
Level 1

We have recently deployed a UC560 system and are trying to figure out how to change the ringtypes for internal/external calls.

Currently the internal calls get one long ring, and the external calls get 3 shorter rings.  Problem is they are the same tone and hard to distinguish.

How do we go about changing the tones?  I have looked through the CCA and all the help files to no avail.

I have tried changing them on the SPA504's but they are only showing one ring type.

Anyone point me in the right direction?


11 Replies 11

Level 4
Level 4

We get this request a lot. The solution is to give the user a 2nd extension on a 2nd button. Then you can direct external calls to that 2nd extension; this button can then be given a different ring tone.

It works perfectly and you get a different visual (the 2nd button lights up) AND audible indiciation for external calls.

The only downside is that you use up a button to do it.

Thanks for the suggestion, but sorry that is not a fix I am looking for.  Every other phone system allows you to designate a separate ring tone for internal/external callers.

If someone calls from outside, I am not going to expect them to remember an extension that is different from the internal extension.

I could care less about using extra buttons as we only use 1 on each phone as it is.

The system allows for a separate ring pattern already, how do I change the separate patterns to separate tones?

That can be done even using a single button.

Assing a secondary number to the DN that will receive, e.g. external calls.

Assing ring distinctive to secondary number.

That is doable with CLI , no idea about other tools.

Can you explain this a little more?  Point me to the some of the CLI commands? 


David Trad
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Hi Brian,

Just to expand further on what Daniel proposes, you may also want to consider using the TransferVM steering option on that second button, this way the user only has to manage 1 mailbox.

I dont mind burning buttons so long as there are enough of them, and preferrably I like to do it with the SPA-500S, just sharing the options I have worked with in the past.


David Trad.

Cheers, David Trad. **When you rate a persons post, you are indicating a thank you or that it helped, but at the same time you are also helping to maintain the community spirit - You don't have to rate posts and you wont be looked down upon :) *

It is not an option to assign a separate ext to 70+ phones just so we know when a call is coming from outside the agency. 

Its a simple request:

- call from outside - ring type 1

- call from inside - ring type 2

There has to be a way to do it. 

I understand you are all trying to help but man is this frustrating, every single thing on this system is a chore.

Welcome to Cisco Small Business.

Without burning a button or setting another extension, you are pretty much stuck. Call your Rep and see if they can get it on the "board" for a future release.

If my "Rep" knew what they were doing I would not be here asking questions!!

So let me see if I have this right.

My current setup has DID's pointing to blast groups and also has a main number with AA setup.

If I "burn a button" it will not help much as people calling could hit the main AA, dial the ext and now I am back to the question at hand.

My current setup -

     1. Caller dials DID gets blast group - 3300 - phones in group ring using ring type 2 (3 short blasts)

     2. Caller dials main # get AA - dials ext 3221 - phone rings ext using ring type 2 (3 short blasts)

     3. Internal caller dials ext 3221 - phone rings at ext using ring type 1 (1 long blast)

If I change 1 to:

     1. Caller dials DID gets shared ext for all the phones 3200, phones with shared ext ring using ring type 3 (whatever we pick)

That still leaves me with #2 ringing using the ring type 2.

It cannot be this hard!  Seriously.

Welcome to Cisco Small Business.

Without burning a button or setting another extension, you are pretty much stuck. Call your Rep and see if they can get it on the "board" for a future release.

Not true, read my post above.

David Trad
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Hi Brian,

I understand your frustrations and given the fact options have been provided to you but various people, I think it should be understood you have hit a limitation of the system, it is a highly requested feature and until such time Cisco introduce it you are limited to the options provided to you.

However, I caution you on adopting any CLI configurations in order to try and achieve something, unless you are UCX certified you will no longer get support on the system as the SMB product suit is designed to be configured, maintained and support by the use of CCA, however UCX certified individuals and companies can use CLI for configuration with the assistance of SBCS to ensure it still maintains CCA compliance.

There is no point at this junction to get yourself wound up about this feature, I have been down this path more times than you imagine and just learnt to live with it and present the options to the client and set their expectations as to the limitation of the system, I also make it a known fact that not every phone system in the market are going to mimic each others features, this is true to its words and at times far too many people just assume or expect the UC-500 series to do certain things which it may not cater for from the get go or has no path to that upgrade in the roadmap and it turns out that the sales person sold the system on those specific functions being in play.

Log your request in with your local Cisco rep and I am certain a Cisco rep on here has no doubt logged this internally as well (Yes the Product manager does come to these forums and read things, he may not post but I know he reads the posts).

Good luck mate




David Trad.

Cheers, David Trad. **When you rate a persons post, you are indicating a thank you or that it helped, but at the same time you are also helping to maintain the community spirit - You don't have to rate posts and you wont be looked down upon :) *

Thanks for the reply.  None of the solutions provided will do what we ask, they are bandaids for a simple feature.  The capability is there in the CCA to modify ring types for phones but it is limited to a single ext and changes the ring for all call types.

And you are right, I am more frustrated with the sales person that sold me this thing, every single thing we have tried to do has been a chore, or "unsupported".  We have already been down the CLI route as it is the only way to clean out all the "default" dn's that were in the system causing problems, and yes it was logged with the tech onsite.

As for the systems not mimicking each other, I am not asking for an advanceed feature, this is a BASIC phone system feature, why its not included in the box I do not understand.

This is just one of the many little things that have come up with this system, things that if they would have been pointed out in the begining would have pushed me to a different solution, but now $30k + later we are stuck with it.