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AnyConnect licensing and migrating from ASA5512-X to FPR1120 ASA?

We have a customer who has two ASA5512-X's that are used purely for AnyConnect remote access VPN.  They have a 250 User perpetual license (L-AC-PLS-P-250) which has a multi-use PAK key.  This has been applied to the two ASA5512-X's.  They are migrating to FPR1120's with ASA software (FPR1120-ASA-K9) but I'm not sure about the licensing.

The option to convert the traditional license to a smart license seems to be there on the License Administration Portal, however we have the added issue of the licenses being in our Smart Account rather than the customers as this was done a few years ago.  I've raised a case to get them moved to the customers Smart Account, however I'm not sure whether the licenses will be applicable to the FPR1120-ASA's?  I can't seem to find anything on CCO (or online) that deals with this scenario.

Obviously the customer doesn't want to purchase additional AnyConnect licenses if they currently have 250 perpetual licenses.



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